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Feature insight: Use Forms to help people get involved
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In church life, there's always stuff to do - the more people get involved and share in the ministry of the church, the better. Whether you're one of the churches using this season between Easter and the summer to get your teams ready for the autumn, or whether you're just looking for a good tool to help you ensure that new members have an easy time getting involved rather than being relegated to the sidelines: Forms can make a big difference! Here are a few ideas...

Join the team form to help people find a place to serve in church life

Set up a "Join a team" Form

Set up a simple form in the Address Book to collect serving interest responses, or get started using the example form we've provided:

Use an example form in ChurchSuite to help people join serving teams

You can keep it really simple as in the example in the screenshot above, or you can add a bit of context for each serving area - forms are very flexible!

Once you're happy, share the published form page URL in your communications, on social media channels, or via a custom menu link for those with My ChurchSuite access so that people can select their areas of serving interest, provide some basic contact details and submit their responses.

Send form invite email and action incoming responses

Another great way to raise awareness of the serving opportunities in your church - and give your members a great respondee user experience - is to send them a form invitation.

The Form invite email in ChurchSuite allows you to gather responses from members of your church

Compose your own inviting message and give recipients a clear call to action via the embedded response button. Before you click send-to-all, you might like to focus on those who are not already serving. A simple smart tag with just the right conditions will ensure your invitations go to just the right audience! (Find out more about smart tags). Then, as people respond, a designated form manager will receive response notifications.

Responses to a ChurchSuite form - church members signalling their willingness to volunteer in the church

Set up a Dashboard widget

There's even a neat "Form responses" Dashboard widget you can use! This way, you can keep an overview of how many of the Form invites have been replied to as well as any new responses that come in.

Track your form responses from your church members in your Dashboard widget

We think Forms can be a powerful ally in your quest to get the whole church involved! To find out more as well as watch a short video that walks you through all the Forms functionality, check out our support article: Creating forms

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